Final Post

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This is my final post.  It’s been almost three years, and I really enjoyed being a small part of the ukulele community, but it’s time for me to move on.

As a fan of music, I grew up on music review and journalism, an art form where snark and snot are the bricks and mortar of construction.  Being a sarcastic SOB by birth, and having so many fine examples, it would have been easy to follow in that tradition.  Luckily, I spent a little time in this community before I started this blog and absorbed enough of the goodwill that drips from it.  I made the conscious decision to be positive here, and it has paid many dividends both on and offline.  Being negative might make you look/feel like you are smarter than X – but being positive will make you a part of X.  You choose….

One of the most positive influences on UkeToob has been the support of my wife, Jeanne.  Having lived though three kids taking violin lessons, I know it’s not easy to share a home with someone learning an instrument.  While there have been momentary lapses (i.e. rewording “Tonight, You Belong to Me” as “Shove it Up your Bunghole” when I played it a few million times too many) she has been amazingly tolerant and supportive of my interests.  If you found anything you liked here it was more than likely inspired by, thought of or generally improved by her input.  Jeanne, I love you and thank you for all you have done to help me be a better, happier person than I could have ever been without you!

Lastly, thank you to all who have viewed, subscribed, commented and made suggestions over the years.  I wish you all the best.

Keep on uke’ing!

Don Lawson (AKA Donnie Bubbles)

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