IanReentrant – Disinterested Cat

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Ian does his best to get a rise out of his cat (spoiler alert) to no avail….

YouTube Channel: IanReentrant

His Notes: If you ever wondered how a cat would react if you played hits of the 1920s at them on a Pocket Uke, don’t bother. The little bugger made a point of ignoring it. I even threw in a couple of extra tunes for him, but nothing.

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  1. Ken Middleton December 6th, 2010 8:22 am

    Cats know exactly what they are doing. I hate it when people ignore me, but cats do it so much better.

  2. Howlin' Hobbit December 6th, 2010 11:30 am

    no, no. I hearz you human, I just ignoring you.

    what a beautiful, big ginger kitty. you raise big cats like we do, Ian. the smallest of our 3 is ~15 pounds, the largest half again that.

    give him a scritch from me.

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