5/5 (1) Another one that I figure you already know about, but just in case, Curt Sheller is a great ukulele (and guitar) player, teacher and author. In this video, part of his online lesson series for Solo Ukulele, Curt takes a basic I IV V I chord progression and embellishes it with additional notes […]
Archive for the ‘Featured Articles’ Category
No ratings yet. Ws64 with a great Glen Miller cover on his new Kala Spalted Mango…. Buy @ Amazon: Glen Miller YouTube Channel: WS64 Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. I hope the lack of Aldrine videos posted here is not misinterpreted as a lack of love – it just seems like you would already know about his great performances, lessons, and the excellent Ukulele Underground Forum…. Buy @ Amazon: Aldrine Guerrero YouTube Channel: ukuleleoversoul Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Instead of the traditional scary video for Halloween, this year we have one that is just scary good – The Kris Gilbert Band with a mashup of this Kings of Leon song and one of their own, Chill Out…. Buy @ Amazon: Kings of Leon YouTube Channel: krisgilbert Chords and Lyrics: Kings […]
No ratings yet. Another disturbing special effect (please do not try this at home) but a great solo from a unique player…. YouTube Channel: ukumonkey55music Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Ukulele Mike with another great ukulele lesson…. Buy @ Amazon: Bobby Darrin YouTube Channel: MusicTeacher2009 Chords and Lyrics: Jack Lawrence Beyond the Sea – Ukulele Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Disturbing effect, but spirited cover of this Jack Johnson song…. Buy @ Amazon: Jack Johnson YouTube Channel: bigislesmile Chords and Lyrics: Jack Johnson Sitting Waiting Wishing – Ukulele Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Transplanted Aussie in London with a great sense of fun and an even better YouTube handle…. Buy @ Amazon: Blink 182 YouTube Channel: TheAlmightyNighty Chords and Lyrics: Blink 182 Dammit – Ukulele Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Mr. B covers the history of rap as only a fine chap like he could…. YouTube Channel: sgtrock70 Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Mctrmt catchy original tune about RussBuss415‘s cute little dog, Corser…. YouTube Channel: mctrmt Chords and Lyrics: Mctrmt Corser – Ukulele (In YouTube More Info) Please rate this Video Rating