No ratings yet. Did the French invent cool, or just perfect it? YouTube Channel: Little6ster Full Title: Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out (Millionaire Blues) Please rate this Video Rating
Archive for the ‘Featured Articles’ Category
No ratings yet. Sebi is back from his confrontation with the evil music industry empire stronger than ever with a great performance (including on-screen lyrics and chords) of the theme from Hayao Miyazaki’s excellent film, My Neighbor Totoro…. YouTube Channel: thesebinextdoor The Greatest Living Film Maker: Hayao Miyazaki Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Not sure what it is, but I would listen to that voice sing the phone book…. YouTube Channel: KowKowKooks Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Adorable home-made Gondry style video for this equally adorable original number…. MySpace: Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. UncleJeff64, who passed along the link to this beauty, rightly considers it to be a direct challenge to his clawhammer-uke mantle…. YouTube Channel: YoppyKyabetsu Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Just flippin’ awesome…. YouTube Channel: ukuleleoversoul Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. I am sure you have heard that Sebi, a UkeToob favorite, had his YouTube account yanked because Warner Music complained that he was infringing on their copyrights by making ukulele cover versions of songs by their “artists” (sarcastic quotes mine.) I love ukulele covers, but I wouldn’t not buy a song by […]
No ratings yet. Since I pulled everyone out of the UkeToob Pantheon for a day it’s time to pay the gods back by inducting a new member. Didn’t have to think twice about this one since I find myself trying to find a reason not to pick a new Baron video as the best of […]
No ratings yet. Since I broke my own rule yesterday by taking Danielle Ate the Sandwich out of the UkeToob Pantheon for a day, it’s only fair to let Ken out for one too. True to form, and to illustrate my point about how every video his posts is a keeper, I only had to […]
No ratings yet. I promised not to push any more Danielle Ate the Sandwich on you when I put her in the UkeToob Pantheon because every video she makes is the best video of that day and you should already be subscribing to her, but then she goes and proves my point so well by […]