I was gonna try and hold off on the xmas vids for a while, but yesterday’s was so good, and SheepStar15 can do no wrong, so what the heck – Merry Christmas….
YouTube Channel: Sheepstar15
Her Notes:
This song was written by Felix Bernard and Richard B Smith in 1934, and first recorded by Perry Como. The first lyrics did not include the bit about the Circus Clown — that was added in 1953, but I’m using both parts just because I like them.
I used a Joe Spraggan custom soprano, a short scale P-Bass, an Angel glockenspiel and some toy sleigh bells. Happy days.
I’ve been snowed in for three days now, but I’m quite enjoying myself and finding it’s a good time to get some uke practice in. The footage in the top left pane is from the weather reports and of my feet as I was attempting to walk to the local shop in the ruts left by car wheels. Much easier than clambering over the snow drifts.
I do not own the rights to this song, this is merely an homage and no copyright infringement is intended.
Thank you for featuring my video, it’s much appreciated 🙂
(Not sure I can “do no wrong” though…)
Best wishes,