No ratings yet. Ken, a UkeToob favorite, covers a classic…. YouTube Channel: KenMiddletonUkulele Please rate this Video Rating
Archive for 2010
No ratings yet. It’s time for a nice change of pace after all that pop…. YouTube Channel: JuKeBox661 Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Ben enjoys his new Mainland soprano with this catchy standard…. YouTube Channel: benmealer Chords and Lyrics: If I Had You Thanks to UncleJeff64 for the tip! Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Too cute…. YouTube Channel: chipswow Chords and Lyrics: Cocoon – Chupee Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Sweet harmonies on this original recommended by new friend of UkeToob, Honor Finnegan…. YouTube Channel: evadiva701 Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. And this cover song brings to an end our week long celebration of Danielle Ate the Sandwich’s new new album, Two Bedroom Apartment…. YouTube Channel: DaniellesMagic Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Another song from her new album, Two Bedroom Apartment…. YouTube Channel: DaniellesMagic Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Another song from her new album, Two Bedroom Apartment…. YouTube Channel: DaniellesMagic Please rate this Video Rating
No ratings yet. Because of it’s diminutive size and short range, it would be easy to dismiss the ukulele as a toy. But like the alter-ego of many a super hero, it is exactly the limitations and low expectations of this “tiny guitar” that makes it so powerful. Sure, you can make some noise if […]
No ratings yet. From her charming series of “Songs in My Pajamas”…. YouTube Channel: honorsongs Please rate this Video Rating