Ken Middleton – It Never Rains

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Since I broke my own rule yesterday by taking Danielle Ate the Sandwich out of the UkeToob Pantheon for a day, it’s only fair to let Ken out for one too.  True to form, and to illustrate my point about how every video his posts is a keeper, I only had to try one to find a winner with this loose and funky improv based on his recollection of an old favorite….

YouTube Channel: KenMiddletonUkulele

Chords and Lyrics: Albert Hammond It Never Rains

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  1. Ed January 24th, 2010 5:39 pm

    Sounds great! Thanks!

  2. Baron January 30th, 2010 2:18 pm

    This was very enjoyable. I love the camera perspective too so you can see the detail of your playing. Brings back that comfortable easy feeling we had back in the 70’s which is so missing today on the radio.

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