tUnE-yArDs – Bizness

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Merrill Garbus, who is the most unconventional of ukulele player, was the first UkeToob interview.  Not that I am claiming any part of her success, but it does my little heart good to see her getting the attention she so deserves.  Can’t wait for the new album….

Official Video: OnPitchforkTV

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  1. Howlin' Hobbit March 26th, 2011 12:32 pm

    best thing about Ms Garbus is t hat she’s a musician and artist who also happens to use ukulele as part of her voice, instead of just being someone who’s hopped on the recent ukulele bandwagon.

    I’m striving for that.

  2. Howlin' Hobbit March 26th, 2011 12:34 pm

    oh lawsy! html errors. sorry! and no way to fix it from my end.

    (hopefully my message still comes across.)

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