Sebi – Warner Music Love Song

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I am sure you have heard that Sebi, a UkeToob favorite, had his YouTube account yanked because Warner Music complained that he was infringing on their copyrights by making ukulele cover versions of songs by their “artists” (sarcastic quotes mine.)  I love ukulele covers, but I wouldn’t not buy a song by the original performer because there is a cover version on YouTube.  In fact, I have often bought original versions of songs I only fell for because of a ukulele cover I heard online.  Warner really missed the mark on this one, as Sebi politely points out in his funny new song that he published completely free of copyright idiocy….

New YouTube Channel: thesebinextdoor

Past Sebi Videos from UkeToob as MP4 Files:

Rocking Around the Xmas Tree

Man Overboard

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  1. Sebi January 26th, 2010 7:52 am

    The support I’ve been receiving is out of this world. Many thank you’s to Uketoob and everyone else, who is helping me getting back on track with my new Youtube channel. Uke on!

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